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Friday, April 29, 2011

A Shining Blue Light on Oral Health

Our practice continually looks for advances to ensure that we are providing our patients with the optimum level of oral health care. We are concerned about oral cancer and examine every patient for it.

Approximately 75% of oral cancer is attributed to the use of smoked and smokeless tobacco. Other factors that can place a person at increased risk include alcohol consumption, immunodeficiencies, poor nutrition, and exposure to excessive UV light. Each year, more that 30,00 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed. Early detection is the key to increasing the survival rate for these cancers.

Most early signs of oral cancer are painless and difficult to detect without a thorough head and neck exam by a dental professional. Individuals age 18 and older should have at least one oral cancer screening per year. Our practice has recently incorporated the VELscope Vx, an enhanced oral detection tool. This simple 2 minute exam uses a handpiece which emits a safe blue light into the oral cavity. Diseased tissues react differently to the light allowing the dentist to clearly differentiate betweeen normal and abnormal tissues.

An increasing number of insurance plans are beginning to cover this procedure. We are commited to ensuring the dental health of our patients. If your insurance carrier does not reimburse for this procedure, we are happy to provide this service for a nominal fee to cover our cost for the disposable cap that is used to ensure safe and accurate test results.

For more information call our office or visit

Friday, April 22, 2011

Don't Let Stress Be Such A Grind

This is a fast-paced, stressful world we live in.  Sometimes it feels like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done.  Our bodies deal with these stresses in many ways, one of which is bruxism, better known as clenching and grinding our teeth.  When someone grinds their teeth while sleeping, there is an average force of 250 pounds of pressure on the teeth...it's like having a football player stand on your teeth!

In children, teeth grinding does not pose much of a health concern and helps loosen primary, or baby teeth. However, in adults clenching and grinding has many adverse side effects.

Grinding your teeth usually starts as a response to stresses in our lives and then becomes habitual. We don't even know we are doing it and might even deny it.  However, if ignored clenching and grinding can lead to chipped and worn teeth, jaw pain, gum recession, chronic headaches and disrupted sleep.  It can even cause the premature facial wrinkles we all dread.

There are many ways to deal with the effects of grinding your teeth.  When at rest, your teeth should never be touching.  If they are, take a moment and try this exercise: push your tongue forward so your teeth open slightly.  This is the anatomically correct position your jaw should be in at rest.  Regular exercise and meditation can also help manage daily stresses in your life.  Many times, however, clenching and grinding cannot be managed alone.  A custom made biteguard or bite adjustments may be required to take away the ill effects of grinding.  Make sure to share your symptoms and concerns with your dentist so he or she can properly diagnose and treat you.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Welcome To Our New Blog!

This new age of technology has taken our practice to another dimension. Follow our blog for tips to help you maintain optimum oral health and to learn about the latest and greatest in dental technology that will make your next visit to the dentist more pleasant and stress free.